HRH's Last Novel
Whatmore claims that BELSHAZZAR was first published by Stanley Paul & Co. in book-form in London on September 25, 1930, while McKay and Scott give the publication date one day later on September 26. According to McKay, Scott and Whatmore, 2,500 copies were printed, without illustrations, but with ads at the end of the book dated Autumn 1930.
Doubleday, Doran and Company published the first edition in book-form in New York on October 31, 1930. McKay and Scott both agree on the New York publication date. There are no illustrations, nor ads at the end of the book.
The Ryerson Press published the first edition in Canada, likely also in 1930.
I do not own any of the books pictured below, unless noted. I do own copies of both the British and American first editions.
I cannot find any image of the Stanley Paul British first edition original dust jacket
This DJ is very rare and I do not own a copy
Below, for illustrative purposes, a facsimile DJ
Below: a photo of the first British edition book without DJ, and photos of a couple of later impressions original DJs
Note that the second impression DJ has no price on its spine, and the even later impression has a 3/6 price
Below: British first edition title-pages