Nathaniel Isaacs
Nathaniel Isaacs
Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa
Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa
Descriptive of the Zoolus, Their Manners, Customs, Etc., Etc.
Descriptive of the Zoolus, Their Manners, Customs, Etc., Etc.
With a Sketch of Natal
With a Sketch of Natal
London: Edward Churton, 1836, 2 Volumes
London: Edward Churton, 1836, 2 Volumes
This work covers Isaacs' 5 or so years in South Africa
This work covers Isaacs' 5 or so years in South Africa
This work contains the ONLY eye-witness illustration of Chaka Zulu.
This work contains the ONLY eye-witness illustration of Chaka Zulu.
Isaacs was one of only a few Europeans to ever write about their experiences with Chaka.
Isaacs was one of only a few Europeans to ever write about their experiences with Chaka.
My 2-volume set of the British first edition of Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa is for sale at $1,750.
My 2-volume set of the British first edition of Travels and Adventures in Eastern Africa is for sale at $1,750.