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1913 - Child of Storm

The second novel in the Allan Quatermain Zulu Trilogy

Higgins claims that CHILD OF STORM  was never serialized.

McKay, Scott, and Whatmore claim that Cassell and Company published the first edition of CHILD OF STORM  in London on January 23, 1913. A.C. Michael created 3 illustrations, including the color frontispiece. The are ads at the end of the book date-coded 1.13 (January 1913). McKay and Scott claim that 13,500 copies were printed.

Higgins claims that Cassell paid ÂŁ750 ($125,000 in 2020 dollars) as an advance on the publication in book-form.

Longmans, Green and Company published the first American edition February 6, 1913. McKay and Scott both agree on the publication date in New York. Longmans claims it published this novel in January 1913 (see below). The American edition used the same illustrations as Cassell did for its edition. There are no ads at the end of the book.

See the page dedicated to the illustrations found in various editions.

None of the books below are mine unless noted

A copy of the British first edition with original dust jacket

I do not own an original Cassell DJ; the photo below is from Shapero Rare Books

A copy of the British first edition

My copy is in comparable condition

British first edition frontispiece and title-page

The 2 black and white illustrations

Ads at the end of the Cassell first edition date-coded 1.13 (January 1913) listing the HRH books available for sale by Cassell in 1913

A printing history that I found in a copy of the 3rd printing of the British edition

Below: photos of a variant binding of the British first edition, perhaps a Canadian/Colonial edition

Below: photos of a variant binding of the British first edition, perhaps a Canadian/Colonial edition

Below: photos of a paperback binding of the British first edition, perhaps a Canadian/Colonial edition

Below: a photo of a copy of the American first edition with original dust jacket

My copy of the American first edition (2nd printing, February 1913) original dust jacket. The DJ is likely the 1st printing DJ, only with a new price sticker to the spine

2nd printing (February 1913) book well-protected by its original DJ

I also own a copy of the 1st printing.

The frontispiece and title-page of the first American edition. The printing history from my 2nd printing shows the first printing was in January 1913, not February 1913 as McKay and Scott claim.

My copy of the British 1 shilling reprint published by Cassell

British reprints published by Cassell

British paperback reprint published by Cassell