First published in London in April 1933 by Cassell, and in New York in 1933 by Doubleday.
The first Cassell edition was printed in March 1933, and published in April 1933.
The second Cassell edition, which I own, and which is more likely a second printing of the Cassell first edition, has on its copyright page a date-code "634" and
First Edition ...... April 1933
Second Edition (First cheap Edn.) July 1934
I have never seen a Doubleday dust jacket. I own two copies of KRAAL BABY and both are Doubleday first editions with Grosset & Dunlap dust jackets. G&D routinely bought up remaindered or unsold copies of books and reissued them with G&D dust jackets.
I also own a G&D book with different cloth over boards and the Grosset & Dunlap-specific title-page.
First Cassell edition with date-code of "333" and "First published 1933" on its copyright page. Printed March 1933, published April 1933.
My copy with original dust jacket
More likely a second printing of the Cassell first edition, though it has a date-code "634" and
"First Edition ...... April 1933, Second Edition (First cheap Edn.) July 1934"