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1889 - Cleopatra

HRH's major foray into ancient Egypt!

According to McKay and Scott, HRH wrote CLEOPATRA between May 27 and August 2, 1887. HRH only took 2 months to write this long and complex novel!

The first appearance was as a serialization, published by The Illustrated London News from January through June 1889, and this serialization contains 29 large and excellent illustrations by R. Caton Woodville.

McKay, Scott and Whatmore claim that Longmans, Green and Company published in London 57 copies in a large-paper edition on June 24, 1889. The text for the Longmans edition has been altered from that which appeared in the ILN serialization.

25,000 copies of the trade edition were printed and published for sale also on June 24, 1889. Longmans supplied 18 new illustrations, on plates, by Maurice Greiffenhagen combined with only 11 of the R. Caton Woodville illustrations, as plates. Ads at the end of the book are dated January 1889 or August 1889.

The novel was first authorized to be published in book form in New York by Harper & Brothers in 1889, with the same illustrations as found in the Longmans edition. 

See the page dedicated to the illustrations found in various editions.

I do not own any of the books pictured, unless noted. 


Volume 94, January - June 1889

There are 26 parts.

There are 29 large and excellent illustrations by R. Caton Woodville

I own the complete serialization.

R. Caton Woodville illustrations from the serialization

My copy of the first US edition

Greiffenhagen frontispiece and title-page within my copy of the first US edition

Below: some photos of one of the Large Paper Editions

photos supplied by David Frank

Longmans first British edition

Longmans first British edition

My copy of the first British edition, rebound without ads

I also own another first edition in original navy-blue cloth, with August ads

Below: My rebound 1905 SIGNED copy that HRH gifted to John Hays Hammond, part of a set of 23 volumes

The frontispiece by Greiffenhagen is the same as that found in the Longmans first British edition

Longmans' Colonial Library reprint edition and Silver Library edition

Readers Library British reprint with original dust jacket

Hodder & Stoughton British reprint with original dust jacket

Street & Smith American paperback reprints

Harrap British reprint with original dust jacket