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H. Rider Haggard
HRH Portraits
HRH Signatures
1882 - Cetywayo and His White Neighbours
1884 - Dawn
1885 - The Witch's Head
1885 - King Solomon's Mines
October 1885
November 1885
December 1885
January 1886
February 1886
March 1886 and Later
1887 Walter Paget Illustrations
1887 Harper edition
1905 W. Russell Flint
1912 A.C. Michael
Other Reprints
1887 - She
HE - 1887 Parody
1888 Illustrated Edition
1887 - Jess
1887 - Allan Quatermain
1888 - Mr. Meeson's Will
1888 - Maiwa's Revenge
1888 - Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
1889 - Cleopatra
1889 - Allan's Wife
1890 - Beatrice
1890 - The World's Desire
1891 - Eric Brighteyes
1892 - Nada the Lily
1893 - Montezuma's Daughter
1894 - The People of the Mist
1895 - Heart of the World
1895 - Joan Haste
1896 - The Wizard
1898 - Dr. Therne
1899 - Swallow
1900 - Black Heart, White Heart and Other Stories
1900 - Elissa
1901 - Lysbeth
1903 - Pearl Maiden
1903 - Stella Fregelius
1904 - The Brethren
1905 - Ayesha
1906 - The Way of the Spirit
1906 - Benita
1906 - The Spirit of Bambatse
1907 - Fair Margaret
1908 - The Ghost Kings
1908 - The Yellow God
1909 - The Lady of Blossholme
1910 - Morning Star
1910 - Queen Sheba's Ring
1911 - Red Eve
1911 - The Mahatma and the Hare
1912 - Marie
1913 - Child of Storm
1914 - The Wanderer's Necklace
1915 - The Holy Flower
1916 - The Ivory Child
1917 - Finished
1918 - Love Eternal
1918 - Moon of Israel
1919 - When the World Shook
1920 - The Ancient Allan
1920 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Magepa the Buck
1905 - A Wedding Gift
1913 - Barbara Who Came Back
1921 - She and Allan
1922 - The Virgin of the Sun
1923 - Wisdom's Daughter
1924 - Heu-Heu
1925 - Queen of the Dawn
1926 - The Treasure of the Lake
1927 - Allan and the Ice Gods
1929 - Mary of Marion Isle
1930 - Belshazzar
1926 - The Days of My Life
HRH Non-Fiction
Sets of HRH Books
Miscellaneous Publishing Details
Amelia B. Edwards
Beverley Harper
Brigid Knight
Cynthia Stockley
Virginia of the Rhodesians
The Claw
Wild Honey
Wild Honey (short story)
Common or Garden Earth
Road to Tuli
The Mollmeit
Blue Aloes
Rosanne Ozanne
The Leopard
April Folly
Pink Gods and Blue Demons
The Garden of Peril
Dalla the Lion-Cub
Three Farms
The Dice of God
The Leopard in the Bush
Kraal Baby
Perilous Stuff
Daphne Rooke
A Grove of Fever Trees
Wizards' Country
Ethelreda Lewis (R. Hernekin Baptist)
Fanny Barkly
Gertrude Page
Love in the Wilderness
The Edge o' Beyond
Paddy the Next Best Thing
The Silent Rancher
Jill's Rhodesian Philosophy
Two Lovers and a Lighthouse
Winding Paths
The Rhodesian
The Great Splendour
Where the Strange Roads Go Down
The Pathway
Follow After
Some There Are
The Supreme Desire
Far From the Limelight
The Course of My Ship
The Veldt Trail
Jill On a Ranch
Her Sailor Lover
Harriet Ward
Lady Florence Baker
Lady Florence Dixie
Olive Schreiner (Ralph Iron)
Other Authoresses
Sarah Gertrude Millin
The Dark River
Middle Class
Adam's Rest
The Jordans
God's Stepchildren
Mary Glenn
An Artist in the Family
The Coming of the Lord
The Fiddler
The Sons of Mrs. Aab
Three Men Die
What Hath a Man?
The Herr Witchdoctor
The Dark Gods
King of the Bastards
The Burning Man
Two Bucks Without Hair
The Wizard Bird
Goodbye, Dear England
Alan Scholefield
Allen Gardiner
Andrew Sparrman
Andrew Steedman
A.W. Drayson
Sporting Scenes in South Africa
Tales at the Outspan
The Young Dragoon
Ingonyama, the Caffre Chief
The Adventures of Hans Sterk
The Gentleman Cadet
Experiences of a Woolwich Professor
The White Chief of the Caffres
From Keeper to Captain
The Diamond Hunters of South Africa
Barnabas Shaw
Barney Barnato
Bertram Mitford
Through the Zulu Country
The Fire Trumpet
The Weird of Deadly Hollow
The Golden Face
'Tween Snow and Fire
The Gun-Runner
The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley
The King's Assegai
Renshaw Fanning's Quest
The Curse of Clement Waynflete
A Veldt Official
The White Shield
The Expiation of Wynne Palliser
The Sign of the Spider
Fordham's Feud
The Induna's Wife
The Ruby Sword
John Ames, Native Commissioner
War---and Arcadia
The Triumph of Hilary Blachland
The Word of the Sorceress
Haviland's Chum
Dorrien of Cranston
A Veldt Vendetta
In the Whirl of the Rising
The Red Derelict
The Sirdar's Oath
A Frontier Mystery
A Secret of the Lebombo
Harley Greenoak's Charge
The White Hand and the Black
Forging the Blades
A Legacy of the Granite Hills
Ravenshaw of Rietholme
A Border Scourge
A Dual Resurrection
The Heath Hover Mystery
Seaford's Snake
The River of Unrest
Selmin of Selmingfold
An Island of Eden
Bryce Courtenay
1989 - The Power of One
Australian First Edition
London First Edition
American First Edition
Other Editions
The Movie
1991 - Tandia
1992 - A Recipe For Dreaming
1992 - The Pitch
1993 - April Fool's Day
1995 - The Power of One to One
1995 - The Potato Factory
1997 - The Family Frying Pan
1997 - Tommo and Hawk
1998 - The Night Country
1998 - Jessica
1999 - Solomon's Song
2000 - The Australian Trilogy
2001 - Smoky Joe's Cafe
2001 - Four Fires
2002 - Matthew Flinders' Cat
2004 - Brother Fish
2005 - Whitethorn
2006 - Sylvia
2007 - The Persimmon Tree
2008 - Fishing For Stars
2009 - The Story of Danny Dunn
2010 - Fortune Cookie
2012 - Jack of Diamonds
2014 - Silver Moon
Charles John Andersson
Lake Ngami
The Okavango River
The Lion and the Elephant
Notes of Travel in South Africa
Christian Latrobe
David Livingstone
Elers Napier
Ernest Glanville
Kloof Yarns
Tales from the Veldt
Inca's Treasure
F.C. Selous
A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa
Travel & Adventure in South-East Africa
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia
African Nature Notes
F.S. Brereton
1899 - With Shield and Assegai
1901 - With Rifle and Bayonet
1903 - One of the Fighting Scouts
1903 - In the Grip of the Mullah
Francis Galton
François Levaillant
François Valentyn
Frank Oates
Frederick Russell Burnham
George Thompson
H.A. Bryden
Henry Francis Fynn
Henry Morton Stanley
Through the Dark Continent
In Darkest Africa
Herbert Strang
1903 - Tom Burnaby
1906 - Samba
1910 - Settlers and Scouts
1919 - Tom Willoughby's Scouts
James Alexander
James Chapman
James Augustus Grant
James S. Rand
Jan Van Riebeeck
John Barrow
John Campbell
John Gordon Davis
John Mackenzie
John Hanning Speke
John Petherick
John Wilcox
Joseph Shooter
J.W.D. Moodie
Mayne Reid
1856 - The Bush Boys
1857 - The Young Yagers
1867 - The Giraffe Hunters
1885 - The Vee-Boers
Nathaniel Isaacs
Other Authors
1855 - Personal Adventure in South Africa
1898 - Fighting the Matabele
1898 - Umbandine
1899 - Under the Sjambok
1900 - On War's Red Tide
1901 - A Dash From Diamond City
1901 - The Kopje Garrison
1902 - On Commando
1906 - Old Fireproof
1909 - The Compact
1920 - R.Y. Stormberg Novels
1921 - Adventures in Swaziland
1925 - Dominion
1925 - In the Power of the Enemy
1926 - The Zulu Trail
1930 - Mistress of Spears
1943 - Kruger's Wagon
1954 - The Golden Fool
Perceval Gibbon
Percy Fitzpatrick
1897 - The Outspan
1899 - The Transvaal From Within
1907 - Jock of the Bushveld
Peter Kolben
Robert W. Krepps
Roualeyn Gordon Cumming
Samuel Baker
The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
The Albert N'Yanza
The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia
Cast Up By the Sea
Cyprus As I Saw It
True Tales For My Grandsons
Wild Beasts and Their Ways
Stuart Cloete
The Turning Wheels
Watch for the Dawn
The Hill of Doves
The Curve and the Tusk
Thomas Pringle
Tony Park
Far Horizon
African Sky
Silent Predator
The Delta
African Dawn
Dark Heart
The Prey
The Hunter
An Empty Coast
Red Earth
The Cull
Scent of Fear
Ghosts of the Past
Last Survivor
Walter Montagu Kerr
Wilbur Smith
1963 - On Flinders' Face
1964 - When the Lion Feeds
American first edition
British first edition
1965 - The Dark of the Sun
1966 - The Sound of Thunder
1968 - Shout at the Devil
1970 - Gold Mine
1971 - The Diamond Hunters
1972 - The Sunbird
1974 - Eagle in the Sky
1975 - The Eye of the Tiger
1976 - Cry Wolf
1977 - A Sparrow Falls
1978 - Hungry as the Sea
1979 - Wild Justice
1980 - A Falcon Flies
1981 - Men of Men
1982 - The Angels Weep
1984 - The Leopard Hunts in Darkness
1985 - The Burning Shore
1986 - Power of the Sword
1987 - Rage
1989 - A Time to Die
1990 - Golden Fox
1991 - Elephant Song
1993 - River God
1995 - The Seventh Scroll
1997 - Birds of Prey
1999 - Monsoon
2001 - Warlock
2003 - Blue Horizon
2005 - The Triumph of the Sun
2007 - The Quest
2009 - Assegai
2011 - Those in Peril
2013 - Vicious Circle
2014 - Desert God
2016 - Pharaoh
William Baldwin
William Cornwallis Harris
William C. Holden
William Paterson
Contact Me
H. Rider Haggard
HRH Portraits
HRH Signatures
1882 - Cetywayo and His White Neighbours
1884 - Dawn
1885 - The Witch's Head
1885 - King Solomon's Mines
October 1885
November 1885
December 1885
January 1886
February 1886
March 1886 and Later
1887 Walter Paget Illustrations
1887 Harper edition
1905 W. Russell Flint
1912 A.C. Michael
Other Reprints
1887 - She
HE - 1887 Parody
1888 Illustrated Edition
1887 - Jess
1887 - Allan Quatermain
1888 - Mr. Meeson's Will
1888 - Maiwa's Revenge
1888 - Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
1889 - Cleopatra
1889 - Allan's Wife
1890 - Beatrice
1890 - The World's Desire
1891 - Eric Brighteyes
1892 - Nada the Lily
1893 - Montezuma's Daughter
1894 - The People of the Mist
1895 - Heart of the World
1895 - Joan Haste
1896 - The Wizard
1898 - Dr. Therne
1899 - Swallow
1900 - Black Heart, White Heart and Other Stories
1900 - Elissa
1901 - Lysbeth
1903 - Pearl Maiden
1903 - Stella Fregelius
1904 - The Brethren
1905 - Ayesha
1906 - The Way of the Spirit
1906 - Benita
1906 - The Spirit of Bambatse
1907 - Fair Margaret
1908 - The Ghost Kings
1908 - The Yellow God
1909 - The Lady of Blossholme
1910 - Morning Star
1910 - Queen Sheba's Ring
1911 - Red Eve
1911 - The Mahatma and the Hare
1912 - Marie
1913 - Child of Storm
1914 - The Wanderer's Necklace
1915 - The Holy Flower
1916 - The Ivory Child
1917 - Finished
1918 - Love Eternal
1918 - Moon of Israel
1919 - When the World Shook
1920 - The Ancient Allan
1920 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Magepa the Buck
1905 - A Wedding Gift
1913 - Barbara Who Came Back
1921 - She and Allan
1922 - The Virgin of the Sun
1923 - Wisdom's Daughter
1924 - Heu-Heu
1925 - Queen of the Dawn
1926 - The Treasure of the Lake
1927 - Allan and the Ice Gods
1929 - Mary of Marion Isle
1930 - Belshazzar
1926 - The Days of My Life
HRH Non-Fiction
Sets of HRH Books
Miscellaneous Publishing Details
Amelia B. Edwards
Beverley Harper
Brigid Knight
Cynthia Stockley
Virginia of the Rhodesians
The Claw
Wild Honey
Wild Honey (short story)
Common or Garden Earth
Road to Tuli
The Mollmeit
Blue Aloes
Rosanne Ozanne
The Leopard
April Folly
Pink Gods and Blue Demons
The Garden of Peril
Dalla the Lion-Cub
Three Farms
The Dice of God
The Leopard in the Bush
Kraal Baby
Perilous Stuff
Daphne Rooke
A Grove of Fever Trees
Wizards' Country
Ethelreda Lewis (R. Hernekin Baptist)
Fanny Barkly
Gertrude Page
Love in the Wilderness
The Edge o' Beyond
Paddy the Next Best Thing
The Silent Rancher
Jill's Rhodesian Philosophy
Two Lovers and a Lighthouse
Winding Paths
The Rhodesian
The Great Splendour
Where the Strange Roads Go Down
The Pathway
Follow After
Some There Are
The Supreme Desire
Far From the Limelight
The Course of My Ship
The Veldt Trail
Jill On a Ranch
Her Sailor Lover
Harriet Ward
Lady Florence Baker
Lady Florence Dixie
Olive Schreiner (Ralph Iron)
Other Authoresses
Sarah Gertrude Millin
The Dark River
Middle Class
Adam's Rest
The Jordans
God's Stepchildren
Mary Glenn
An Artist in the Family
The Coming of the Lord
The Fiddler
The Sons of Mrs. Aab
Three Men Die
What Hath a Man?
The Herr Witchdoctor
The Dark Gods
King of the Bastards
The Burning Man
Two Bucks Without Hair
The Wizard Bird
Goodbye, Dear England
Alan Scholefield
Allen Gardiner
Andrew Sparrman
Andrew Steedman
A.W. Drayson
Sporting Scenes in South Africa
Tales at the Outspan
The Young Dragoon
Ingonyama, the Caffre Chief
The Adventures of Hans Sterk
The Gentleman Cadet
Experiences of a Woolwich Professor
The White Chief of the Caffres
From Keeper to Captain
The Diamond Hunters of South Africa
Barnabas Shaw
Barney Barnato
Bertram Mitford
Through the Zulu Country
The Fire Trumpet
The Weird of Deadly Hollow
The Golden Face
'Tween Snow and Fire
The Gun-Runner
The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley
The King's Assegai
Renshaw Fanning's Quest
The Curse of Clement Waynflete
A Veldt Official
The White Shield
The Expiation of Wynne Palliser
The Sign of the Spider
Fordham's Feud
The Induna's Wife
The Ruby Sword
John Ames, Native Commissioner
War---and Arcadia
The Triumph of Hilary Blachland
The Word of the Sorceress
Haviland's Chum
Dorrien of Cranston
A Veldt Vendetta
In the Whirl of the Rising
The Red Derelict
The Sirdar's Oath
A Frontier Mystery
A Secret of the Lebombo
Harley Greenoak's Charge
The White Hand and the Black
Forging the Blades
A Legacy of the Granite Hills
Ravenshaw of Rietholme
A Border Scourge
A Dual Resurrection
The Heath Hover Mystery
Seaford's Snake
The River of Unrest
Selmin of Selmingfold
An Island of Eden
Bryce Courtenay
1989 - The Power of One
Australian First Edition
London First Edition
American First Edition
Other Editions
The Movie
1991 - Tandia
1992 - A Recipe For Dreaming
1992 - The Pitch
1993 - April Fool's Day
1995 - The Power of One to One
1995 - The Potato Factory
1997 - The Family Frying Pan
1997 - Tommo and Hawk
1998 - The Night Country
1998 - Jessica
1999 - Solomon's Song
2000 - The Australian Trilogy
2001 - Smoky Joe's Cafe
2001 - Four Fires
2002 - Matthew Flinders' Cat
2004 - Brother Fish
2005 - Whitethorn
2006 - Sylvia
2007 - The Persimmon Tree
2008 - Fishing For Stars
2009 - The Story of Danny Dunn
2010 - Fortune Cookie
2012 - Jack of Diamonds
2014 - Silver Moon
Charles John Andersson
Lake Ngami
The Okavango River
The Lion and the Elephant
Notes of Travel in South Africa
Christian Latrobe
David Livingstone
Elers Napier
Ernest Glanville
Kloof Yarns
Tales from the Veldt
Inca's Treasure
F.C. Selous
A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa
Travel & Adventure in South-East Africa
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia
African Nature Notes
F.S. Brereton
1899 - With Shield and Assegai
1901 - With Rifle and Bayonet
1903 - One of the Fighting Scouts
1903 - In the Grip of the Mullah
Francis Galton
François Levaillant
François Valentyn
Frank Oates
Frederick Russell Burnham
George Thompson
H.A. Bryden
Henry Francis Fynn
Henry Morton Stanley
Through the Dark Continent
In Darkest Africa
Herbert Strang
1903 - Tom Burnaby
1906 - Samba
1910 - Settlers and Scouts
1919 - Tom Willoughby's Scouts
James Alexander
James Chapman
James Augustus Grant
James S. Rand
Jan Van Riebeeck
John Barrow
John Campbell
John Gordon Davis
John Mackenzie
John Hanning Speke
John Petherick
John Wilcox
Joseph Shooter
J.W.D. Moodie
Mayne Reid
1856 - The Bush Boys
1857 - The Young Yagers
1867 - The Giraffe Hunters
1885 - The Vee-Boers
Nathaniel Isaacs
Other Authors
1855 - Personal Adventure in South Africa
1898 - Fighting the Matabele
1898 - Umbandine
1899 - Under the Sjambok
1900 - On War's Red Tide
1901 - A Dash From Diamond City
1901 - The Kopje Garrison
1902 - On Commando
1906 - Old Fireproof
1909 - The Compact
1920 - R.Y. Stormberg Novels
1921 - Adventures in Swaziland
1925 - Dominion
1925 - In the Power of the Enemy
1926 - The Zulu Trail
1930 - Mistress of Spears
1943 - Kruger's Wagon
1954 - The Golden Fool
Perceval Gibbon
Percy Fitzpatrick
1897 - The Outspan
1899 - The Transvaal From Within
1907 - Jock of the Bushveld
Peter Kolben
Robert W. Krepps
Roualeyn Gordon Cumming
Samuel Baker
The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
The Albert N'Yanza
The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia
Cast Up By the Sea
Cyprus As I Saw It
True Tales For My Grandsons
Wild Beasts and Their Ways
Stuart Cloete
The Turning Wheels
Watch for the Dawn
The Hill of Doves
The Curve and the Tusk
Thomas Pringle
Tony Park
Far Horizon
African Sky
Silent Predator
The Delta
African Dawn
Dark Heart
The Prey
The Hunter
An Empty Coast
Red Earth
The Cull
Scent of Fear
Ghosts of the Past
Last Survivor
Walter Montagu Kerr
Wilbur Smith
1963 - On Flinders' Face
1964 - When the Lion Feeds
American first edition
British first edition
1965 - The Dark of the Sun
1966 - The Sound of Thunder
1968 - Shout at the Devil
1970 - Gold Mine
1971 - The Diamond Hunters
1972 - The Sunbird
1974 - Eagle in the Sky
1975 - The Eye of the Tiger
1976 - Cry Wolf
1977 - A Sparrow Falls
1978 - Hungry as the Sea
1979 - Wild Justice
1980 - A Falcon Flies
1981 - Men of Men
1982 - The Angels Weep
1984 - The Leopard Hunts in Darkness
1985 - The Burning Shore
1986 - Power of the Sword
1987 - Rage
1989 - A Time to Die
1990 - Golden Fox
1991 - Elephant Song
1993 - River God
1995 - The Seventh Scroll
1997 - Birds of Prey
1999 - Monsoon
2001 - Warlock
2003 - Blue Horizon
2005 - The Triumph of the Sun
2007 - The Quest
2009 - Assegai
2011 - Those in Peril
2013 - Vicious Circle
2014 - Desert God
2016 - Pharaoh
William Baldwin
William Cornwallis Harris
William C. Holden
William Paterson
Contact Me
H. Rider Haggard
HRH Portraits
HRH Signatures
1882 - Cetywayo and His White Neighbours
1884 - Dawn
1885 - The Witch's Head
1885 - King Solomon's Mines
October 1885
November 1885
December 1885
January 1886
February 1886
March 1886 and Later
1887 Walter Paget Illustrations
1887 Harper edition
1905 W. Russell Flint
1912 A.C. Michael
Other Reprints
1887 - She
HE - 1887 Parody
1888 Illustrated Edition
1887 - Jess
1887 - Allan Quatermain
1888 - Mr. Meeson's Will
1888 - Maiwa's Revenge
1888 - Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
1889 - Cleopatra
1889 - Allan's Wife
1890 - Beatrice
1890 - The World's Desire
1891 - Eric Brighteyes
1892 - Nada the Lily
1893 - Montezuma's Daughter
1894 - The People of the Mist
1895 - Heart of the World
1895 - Joan Haste
1896 - The Wizard
1898 - Dr. Therne
1899 - Swallow
1900 - Black Heart, White Heart and Other Stories
1900 - Elissa
1901 - Lysbeth
1903 - Pearl Maiden
1903 - Stella Fregelius
1904 - The Brethren
1905 - Ayesha
1906 - The Way of the Spirit
1906 - Benita
1906 - The Spirit of Bambatse
1907 - Fair Margaret
1908 - The Ghost Kings
1908 - The Yellow God
1909 - The Lady of Blossholme
1910 - Morning Star
1910 - Queen Sheba's Ring
1911 - Red Eve
1911 - The Mahatma and the Hare
1912 - Marie
1913 - Child of Storm
1914 - The Wanderer's Necklace
1915 - The Holy Flower
1916 - The Ivory Child
1917 - Finished
1918 - Love Eternal
1918 - Moon of Israel
1919 - When the World Shook
1920 - The Ancient Allan
1920 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Smith and the Pharaohs
1912 - Magepa the Buck
1905 - A Wedding Gift
1913 - Barbara Who Came Back
1921 - She and Allan
1922 - The Virgin of the Sun
1923 - Wisdom's Daughter
1924 - Heu-Heu
1925 - Queen of the Dawn
1926 - The Treasure of the Lake
1927 - Allan and the Ice Gods
1929 - Mary of Marion Isle
1930 - Belshazzar
1926 - The Days of My Life
HRH Non-Fiction
Sets of HRH Books
Miscellaneous Publishing Details
Amelia B. Edwards
Beverley Harper
Brigid Knight
Cynthia Stockley
Virginia of the Rhodesians
The Claw
Wild Honey
Wild Honey (short story)
Common or Garden Earth
Road to Tuli
The Mollmeit
Blue Aloes
Rosanne Ozanne
The Leopard
April Folly
Pink Gods and Blue Demons
The Garden of Peril
Dalla the Lion-Cub
Three Farms
The Dice of God
The Leopard in the Bush
Kraal Baby
Perilous Stuff
Daphne Rooke
A Grove of Fever Trees
Wizards' Country
Ethelreda Lewis (R. Hernekin Baptist)
Fanny Barkly
Gertrude Page
Love in the Wilderness
The Edge o' Beyond
Paddy the Next Best Thing
The Silent Rancher
Jill's Rhodesian Philosophy
Two Lovers and a Lighthouse
Winding Paths
The Rhodesian
The Great Splendour
Where the Strange Roads Go Down
The Pathway
Follow After
Some There Are
The Supreme Desire
Far From the Limelight
The Course of My Ship
The Veldt Trail
Jill On a Ranch
Her Sailor Lover
Harriet Ward
Lady Florence Baker
Lady Florence Dixie
Olive Schreiner (Ralph Iron)
Other Authoresses
Sarah Gertrude Millin
The Dark River
Middle Class
Adam's Rest
The Jordans
God's Stepchildren
Mary Glenn
An Artist in the Family
The Coming of the Lord
The Fiddler
The Sons of Mrs. Aab
Three Men Die
What Hath a Man?
The Herr Witchdoctor
The Dark Gods
King of the Bastards
The Burning Man
Two Bucks Without Hair
The Wizard Bird
Goodbye, Dear England
Alan Scholefield
Allen Gardiner
Andrew Sparrman
Andrew Steedman
A.W. Drayson
Sporting Scenes in South Africa
Tales at the Outspan
The Young Dragoon
Ingonyama, the Caffre Chief
The Adventures of Hans Sterk
The Gentleman Cadet
Experiences of a Woolwich Professor
The White Chief of the Caffres
From Keeper to Captain
The Diamond Hunters of South Africa
Barnabas Shaw
Barney Barnato
Bertram Mitford
Through the Zulu Country
The Fire Trumpet
The Weird of Deadly Hollow
The Golden Face
'Tween Snow and Fire
The Gun-Runner
The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley
The King's Assegai
Renshaw Fanning's Quest
The Curse of Clement Waynflete
A Veldt Official
The White Shield
The Expiation of Wynne Palliser
The Sign of the Spider
Fordham's Feud
The Induna's Wife
The Ruby Sword
John Ames, Native Commissioner
War---and Arcadia
The Triumph of Hilary Blachland
The Word of the Sorceress
Haviland's Chum
Dorrien of Cranston
A Veldt Vendetta
In the Whirl of the Rising
The Red Derelict
The Sirdar's Oath
A Frontier Mystery
A Secret of the Lebombo
Harley Greenoak's Charge
The White Hand and the Black
Forging the Blades
A Legacy of the Granite Hills
Ravenshaw of Rietholme
A Border Scourge
A Dual Resurrection
The Heath Hover Mystery
Seaford's Snake
The River of Unrest
Selmin of Selmingfold
An Island of Eden
Bryce Courtenay
1989 - The Power of One
Australian First Edition
London First Edition
American First Edition
Other Editions
The Movie
1991 - Tandia
1992 - A Recipe For Dreaming
1992 - The Pitch
1993 - April Fool's Day
1995 - The Power of One to One
1995 - The Potato Factory
1997 - The Family Frying Pan
1997 - Tommo and Hawk
1998 - The Night Country
1998 - Jessica
1999 - Solomon's Song
2000 - The Australian Trilogy
2001 - Smoky Joe's Cafe
2001 - Four Fires
2002 - Matthew Flinders' Cat
2004 - Brother Fish
2005 - Whitethorn
2006 - Sylvia
2007 - The Persimmon Tree
2008 - Fishing For Stars
2009 - The Story of Danny Dunn
2010 - Fortune Cookie
2012 - Jack of Diamonds
2014 - Silver Moon
Charles John Andersson
Lake Ngami
The Okavango River
The Lion and the Elephant
Notes of Travel in South Africa
Christian Latrobe
David Livingstone
Elers Napier
Ernest Glanville
Kloof Yarns
Tales from the Veldt
Inca's Treasure
F.C. Selous
A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa
Travel & Adventure in South-East Africa
Sunshine and Storm in Rhodesia
African Nature Notes
F.S. Brereton
1899 - With Shield and Assegai
1901 - With Rifle and Bayonet
1903 - One of the Fighting Scouts
1903 - In the Grip of the Mullah
Francis Galton
François Levaillant
François Valentyn
Frank Oates
Frederick Russell Burnham
George Thompson
H.A. Bryden
Henry Francis Fynn
Henry Morton Stanley
Through the Dark Continent
In Darkest Africa
Herbert Strang
1903 - Tom Burnaby
1906 - Samba
1910 - Settlers and Scouts
1919 - Tom Willoughby's Scouts
James Alexander
James Chapman
James Augustus Grant
James S. Rand
Jan Van Riebeeck
John Barrow
John Campbell
John Gordon Davis
John Mackenzie
John Hanning Speke
John Petherick
John Wilcox
Joseph Shooter
J.W.D. Moodie
Mayne Reid
1856 - The Bush Boys
1857 - The Young Yagers
1867 - The Giraffe Hunters
1885 - The Vee-Boers
Nathaniel Isaacs
Other Authors
1855 - Personal Adventure in South Africa
1898 - Fighting the Matabele
1898 - Umbandine
1899 - Under the Sjambok
1900 - On War's Red Tide
1901 - A Dash From Diamond City
1901 - The Kopje Garrison
1902 - On Commando
1906 - Old Fireproof
1909 - The Compact
1920 - R.Y. Stormberg Novels
1921 - Adventures in Swaziland
1925 - Dominion
1925 - In the Power of the Enemy
1926 - The Zulu Trail
1930 - Mistress of Spears
1943 - Kruger's Wagon
1954 - The Golden Fool
Perceval Gibbon
Percy Fitzpatrick
1897 - The Outspan
1899 - The Transvaal From Within
1907 - Jock of the Bushveld
Peter Kolben
Robert W. Krepps
Roualeyn Gordon Cumming
Samuel Baker
The Rifle and the Hound in Ceylon
Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon
The Albert N'Yanza
The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia
Cast Up By the Sea
Cyprus As I Saw It
True Tales For My Grandsons
Wild Beasts and Their Ways
Stuart Cloete
The Turning Wheels
Watch for the Dawn
The Hill of Doves
The Curve and the Tusk
Thomas Pringle
Tony Park
Far Horizon
African Sky
Silent Predator
The Delta
African Dawn
Dark Heart
The Prey
The Hunter
An Empty Coast
Red Earth
The Cull
Scent of Fear
Ghosts of the Past
Last Survivor
Walter Montagu Kerr
Wilbur Smith
1963 - On Flinders' Face
1964 - When the Lion Feeds
American first edition
British first edition
1965 - The Dark of the Sun
1966 - The Sound of Thunder
1968 - Shout at the Devil
1970 - Gold Mine
1971 - The Diamond Hunters
1972 - The Sunbird
1974 - Eagle in the Sky
1975 - The Eye of the Tiger
1976 - Cry Wolf
1977 - A Sparrow Falls
1978 - Hungry as the Sea
1979 - Wild Justice
1980 - A Falcon Flies
1981 - Men of Men
1982 - The Angels Weep
1984 - The Leopard Hunts in Darkness
1985 - The Burning Shore
1986 - Power of the Sword
1987 - Rage
1989 - A Time to Die
1990 - Golden Fox
1991 - Elephant Song
1993 - River God
1995 - The Seventh Scroll
1997 - Birds of Prey
1999 - Monsoon
2001 - Warlock
2003 - Blue Horizon
2005 - The Triumph of the Sun
2007 - The Quest
2009 - Assegai
2011 - Those in Peril
2013 - Vicious Circle
2014 - Desert God
2016 - Pharaoh
William Baldwin
William Cornwallis Harris
William C. Holden
William Paterson
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