HRH's second runaway success!
McKay, Scott and Whatmore all agree that the first appearance of SHE is as an illustrated serial novel in: THE GRAPHIC (London) from October 2, 1886 through January 8, 1887; Vol. 34 and 35, Nos. 879 to 893; and in HARPER'S WEEKLY (New York) from October 2, 1886 through January 1, 1887; Vol. XXX/XXXI, Nos 1554-1567. Each serialization is accompanied by excellent illustrations by E.K. Johnson, though HARPER'S WEEKLY only contains 9 of the 14 that are found in THE GRAPHIC.
The first authorized 1-volume book-form was published for sale in New York by Harper Brothers December 24, 1886. This Harper edition contains all 14 full-page illustrations by E. K. Johnson, as well as a double-frontispiece: two facing plates depicting the Sherd of Amenartas, drawn by Rider and his sister-in-law. McKay and Scott both agree on the American publication date.
The London first edition was published by Longmans, Green, and Company on January 1, 1887. The Longmans first edition purportedly comprised only 10,000 copies, each of which contains the same double-frontispiece as the New York first edition, but none of the E.K. Johnson illustrations. McKay, Scott and Whatmore all agree on the London publication date.
Longmans published its first illustrated edition, purportedly on November 1, 1888, which includes 32 illustrations by Maurice Greiffenhagen and Charles Kerr, 20 of which are full-page.
See the page dedicated to the illustrations found in various editions.
I do not own any of the books pictured below, unless noted.
My copies of THE GRAPHIC volumes that contain the serialization of SHE
There are 15 parts and 14 illustrations by E.K. Johnson
First part of the serialization in HARPER'S WEEKLY (New York), which is complete in 14 parts, but with only 9 of the E.K. Johnson illustrations
My copy of the first US edition
The Sherd of Amenartas: Double-frontispiece within both the first American and first British editions
First British edition
First British edition and title-page
Copy owned by HRH's sister, Ella. This copy is now in my collection.
The copy owned by HRH's sister, Ella, is signed by HRH: "To Ella, from her affec[tionate] brother, H. Rider Haggard
My beautiful copy of the first British edition
My rebound copy of the first British edition
I also own another first edition in original navy-blue cloth
Pall Mall Gazette review from January 22, 1887
Below: the title-page for the so-called Sixth Edition, which in reality was the 6th printing, or the Thirty-First to the Thirty-Fifth Thousand.
Below: My copy of the British 1887 Longmans seventh edition presented to Mrs Phoebe Anna Traquair
Accompanying the book is a letter from HRH to Mrs Traquair dated December 14, 1887, regarding her possibly illustrating the at-the-time forthcoming 1888 edition of SHE (see below). HRH misspelled Mrs Phoebe Anna Traquair's surname, Traquiar.
A dissertation prepared by Elizabeth Cumming references a painting Traquair created titled "She" and dated 1887.