Forging the Blades
Forging the Blades
A Tale of the Zulu Rebellion
A Tale of the Zulu Rebellion
First published in London in 1908 by Eveleigh Nash
First published in London in 1908 by Eveleigh Nash
Not published in America
Not published in America
This book is very rare
This book is very rare
I believe the image below is the front panel of the first edition dust jacket for FORGING THE BLADES
I believe the image below is the front panel of the first edition dust jacket for FORGING THE BLADES
My copy of the first edition has no titling to its front board, whereas other copies do
My copy of the first edition has no titling to its front board, whereas other copies do
Title-page in the first edition of FORGING THE BLADES
Title-page in the first edition of FORGING THE BLADES
Brian Stringer owns a Colonial first edition
Brian Stringer owns a Colonial first edition