The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley

A Tale of the Zulu Border

First published in London in 1894 by Chatto & Windus with only a frontispiece illustration.

Not published in America

The first edition is rare today

My copy of the 1894 Chatto & Windus first British edition of THE LUCK OF GERARD RIDGELEY

Frontispiece for the British first edition

Title-page of the British first edition

Ads at the end of the British first printing are dated July 1893

Within the September 1893 List of Books is a list of Mitford's novels, including THE GUN-RUNNER, this novel, and the at-the-time-forthcoming STEPHEN RENSHAW'S QUEST, which was actually published later in 1894 as RENSHAW FANNING'S QUEST.

Ads at the end of the British first edition, a later printing that Brian Stringer owns, are dated February 1894

Ads at the end of the British first edition, a later printing that I own, are dated April 1894

Within the April 1894 List of Books is a list of Mitford's novels, including THE GUN-RUNNER, this novel, and THE KING'S ASSEGAI, which was actually published after this novel, but earlier than April 1894.

An ad for this novel that appears at the front of the first edition of THE KING'S ASSEGAI

Below: Brian Stringer owns a 1902 New Edition

Interesting Maud Muller / Eno's Fruit Salt advertisement and the ads at the end of the book are dated September 1902

Below: Brian Stringer owns a 1920 paperback