SMITH AND THE PHARAOHS was first serialized in The Strand Magazine between December 1912 and February 1913. The presentation of the serialization differs between the British and the American issues. Alec Ball created numerous illustrations.
This story was later included in the 1920/21 collection SMITH AND THE PHARAOHS AND OTHER STORIES.
See the page dedicated to the illustrations.
Below: The British Grand Christmas Double Number with HRH pictured at the top, second from left. This issue also has a limited-color frontispiece illustration.
Below: The British Grand Christmas Double Number with HRH pictured at the top, second from left. This issue also has a limited-color frontispiece illustration.
Below: Images of the American edition front covers of the three issues of The Strand Magazine
Below: Images of the American edition front covers of the three issues of The Strand Magazine
All illustrations within these issues are black and white.
All illustrations within these issues are black and white.
Below: December 1912
Below: December 1912
Below: the January 1913 issue
Below: the January 1913 issue
Below: the February 1913 issue
Below: the February 1913 issue
Below: Images of the British The Strand Magazine serialization that I sold to another collector
Below: Images of the British The Strand Magazine serialization that I sold to another collector
Below: Images of the BritishThe Strand Magazine's separate publicatoin of the first part of the serialization, a bound pamphlet....very rare
Below: Images of the BritishThe Strand Magazine's separate publicatoin of the first part of the serialization, a bound pamphlet....very rare
Below: Images of the American The Strand Magazine serialization that I sold to another collector
Below: Images of the American The Strand Magazine serialization that I sold to another collector