STELLA FREGELIUS : A tale of three destinies
STELLA FREGELIUS : A tale of three destinies
The first appearance was as a serialized novel, published in T.P.'s WEEKLY from November 14, 1902 through April 3, 1903. No illustrations. This serialization differs from the text that was published in book-form.
The first appearance was as a serialized novel, published in T.P.'s WEEKLY from November 14, 1902 through April 3, 1903. No illustrations. This serialization differs from the text that was published in book-form.
Higgins claims that T.P. O'Connor paid £750 ($130,000 in 2020 dollars) for the serial rights.
Higgins claims that T.P. O'Connor paid £750 ($130,000 in 2020 dollars) for the serial rights.
McKay, Scott, and Whatmore claim that Longmans, Green, and Company published the first edition in book-form in New York on October 27, 1903. Ads at the end of the book are not dated.
McKay, Scott, and Whatmore claim that Longmans, Green, and Company published the first edition in book-form in New York on October 27, 1903. Ads at the end of the book are not dated.
Longmans published the first British edition February 3, 1904. Ads at the end of the book are not dated. McKay, Scott and Whatmore all agree on the publication date in London. Apparently 10,000 copies were printed, no illustrations.
Longmans published the first British edition February 3, 1904. Ads at the end of the book are not dated. McKay, Scott and Whatmore all agree on the publication date in London. Apparently 10,000 copies were printed, no illustrations.
George Newnes reprinted the novel in 1906 or 1907, and included 4 illustrations by Cyrus Cuneo.
George Newnes reprinted the novel in 1906 or 1907, and included 4 illustrations by Cyrus Cuneo.
P.F. Collier reprinted the novel in the 1920s and included a frontispiece, at left.
P.F. Collier reprinted the novel in the 1920s and included a frontispiece, at left.
HRH wrote this novel about 1898, and did not intend to have it published, which is why it didn't get published until late 1902.
HRH wrote this novel about 1898, and did not intend to have it published, which is why it didn't get published until late 1902.
See the page dedicated to the illustrations found in various editions.
I do not own any of the books pictured below, but I do own nice copies of both the American and British first editions.
THE SATURDAY REVIEW of November 8, 1902 has an ad announcing the start of the serialization in T.P.'s WEEKLY on November 14, 1902
THE SATURDAY REVIEW of November 8, 1902 has an ad announcing the start of the serialization in T.P.'s WEEKLY on November 14, 1902
Note that THE SATURDAY REVIEW misspelled Fregelius
Note that THE SATURDAY REVIEW misspelled Fregelius
A copy of the British first edition next to the American first edition, and its title-page, pictured below.
A copy of the British first edition next to the American first edition, and its title-page, pictured below.
An ad for the novel found in the back of the first American edition of THE SPIRIT OF BAMBATSE.
An ad for the novel found in the back of the first American edition of THE SPIRIT OF BAMBATSE.
Copies of the British first edition, and the British title-page, pictured below.
Copies of the British first edition, and the British title-page, pictured below.
The Longmans' Colonial Library first edition
The Longmans' Colonial Library first edition
Below: images of a copy of the Newnes reprint paperback and the Cyrus Cuneo illustrations that accompany it. I own a copy of this reprint.
Below: images of a copy of the Newnes reprint paperback and the Cyrus Cuneo illustrations that accompany it. I own a copy of this reprint.
A 1923 Hodder & Stoughton reprint in original DJ
A 1923 Hodder & Stoughton reprint in original DJ