In the Whirl of the Rising
In the Whirl of the Rising
First published in London in 1904 by Methuen & Co.
First published in London in 1904 by Methuen & Co.
Not published in America
Not published in America
My copy of the first British edition of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING
My copy of the first British edition of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING
Title-page in my copy of the British first edition
Title-page in my copy of the British first edition
Ads at the end of the book are dated March 1904
Ads at the end of the book are dated March 1904
Brian Stringer owns a copy of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING with 1904 on its title-page, but with ads at rear dated 1909
Brian Stringer owns a copy of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING with 1904 on its title-page, but with ads at rear dated 1909
Brian Stringer owns a copy of the "Cheap Form" dated 1918
Brian Stringer owns a copy of the "Cheap Form" dated 1918
The printing history contained in the Cheap Form edition does not appear to agree with reality since Brian owns a 1904 copy of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING with ads dated 1909.
The printing history contained in the Cheap Form edition does not appear to agree with reality since Brian owns a 1904 copy of IN THE WHIRL OF THE RISING with ads dated 1909.