Walter Montagu Kerr
A Narrative of Travel and Adventure
A Narrative of Travel and Adventure
From the Cape of Good Hope Across the Zambesi to the Lake Regions of Central Africa
From the Cape of Good Hope Across the Zambesi to the Lake Regions of Central Africa
London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886
London: Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886
Boston: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886
2 Volumes
2 Volumes
My copies of the 1886 British First Edition
My copies of the 1886 British First Edition
Copies of the 1886 American First Edition
Copies of the 1886 American First Edition
Title-Pages of the British First Edition
Title-Pages of the British First Edition
Title-Pages of the American First Edition
Title-Pages of the American First Edition
Copies of the 1887 British Second Edition
Copies of the 1887 British Second Edition
Frontispiece and Title-Page, Volume 1
Frontispiece and Title-Page, Volume 1
Frontispiece and Title-Page, Volume 2
Frontispiece and Title-Page, Volume 2
My copies of the 1887 London Second Edition
My copies of the 1887 London Second Edition
Kerr only lived for 35 years. He was born in June 1852 and died April 23 (or 27), 1888
Kerr only lived for 35 years. He was born in June 1852 and died April 23 (or 27), 1888